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Learning Materials to help cities and towns become prosperous 'learning cities and towns' in a world of change and to assist their educational institutions (schools, universities, adult and vocational) and companies to make their contribution by becoming modern 'learning organisations'.

1. Introduction by Norman Longworth.
Introduction by Norman Longworth

2. Short diagrams, documents and charts that help understanding of the nature of a learning city. learningcitiestoolsanddiagrams

3. 20 detailed lesson suggestions to involve major stakeholders in building knowledge of learning city development and how they can help it grow.

4. Questionnaires that enable citizens in major institutions to understand their learning needs and to develop courses to satisfy them.

5. Long and short exercises to enable major city stakeholders to become learning organisations in a learning city.

6. Audits from the Eurolocal project to identify and satisfy the needs of a learning city.
Eurolocalauditsfor institutions

7. Case studies of successful projects that have helped in the building of a learning city.

8. A selection of papers describing the elements of learning cities and how they can be created.

9. Examples from the PALLACE project showing how cities, their people and institutions can benefit from learning together in building learning cities.

10. More diagrams and charts aimed at learning city stakeholders.

11. A draft Charter of the responsibilities of people, governments, institutions and organisations to mirror the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .

Copyright 2007 Long Learn Ltd
Design: Blyth Spirit
